Dynamic Interface

The workouts recorded after October 2021 feature a dynamic interface. This means that you can choose which data is displayed on the screen while following the class.  

Which data do you see?

With the dynamic interface, you can choose to display the following data:

  • Track Time, keeps track of how long the current track will last
  • Heart Rate Display, when using a heart rate monitor, this display shows the heart rate zone you are currently in
  • Workout Interface, shows the calories burned, current and next track zone, desired heart rate, and remaining time of the current track
  • Remaining time, refers to the remaining time of the complete workout

You can choose which data to display on your screen. Via the gear icon displayed during the class, you can (de)select different components. These settings are saved, so you start the next workout with the same display.

Which classes do not have the dynamic interface?

The so-called Classic Scenic Rides do not include a dynamic interface, but rather a 'burned-in' display showing track time, remaining workout time, burned calories, and power levels.

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